Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

How Social Media is Misleading You About Business Success — And What You Need to Know

  • Social media business expectations

  • Instant business success myth

  • Business growth takes time

  • Social media and unrealistic expectations

  • Building a business slowly

  • Avoid business burnout from social media

  • Realistic business growth strategies

Are you feeling disillusioned with your business growth because of what you see on social media? You’re not alone. Social platforms constantly bombard you with stories of instant business success, leaving you wondering why your own progress feels slow or stagnant. But here’s the truth: social media is screwing your expectations—and it's time to stop buying into the hype.Every day, you're hit with flashy claims like:

  • "I doubled my Instagram following in 30 days!"

  • "I launched my TikTok shop last week and I’m already making $5,000 a day!"

These claims make it seem like overnight success is not only possible but inevitable. And when you don’t experience that same level of rapid growth, it can leave you feeling like you’re doing something wrong.

When you’re bombarded by this type of messaging day after day, it has two major negative effects:

  1. Unrealistic expectations for how quickly your business should grow.

  2. It makes you believe that you’re failing or missing something crucial when things don’t happen immediately.

These two outcomes can set you up for discouragement and burnout because the reality is that most businesses grow slowly, with many ups and downs along the way.

Here’s what you need to remember: Building a solid business takes time, effort, and persistence. While some entrepreneurs do experience rapid success, it’s the exception, not the rule. It’s important to drown out the noise and focus on your own business journey.

Growth is a process—not a sprint.

So, take a deep breath and remember: slow and steady wins the race. Stay the course, keep building, and stop comparing your journey to the highlight reels you see on social media.

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

How to Transform Annoying Store Greetings into Memorable Customer Experiences

  • Store greetings

  • Customer experience tips

  • Retail customer engagement

  • How to greet customers

  • Personalized store greetings

  • Boosting sales with customer interactions

  • Retail greeting strategies

  • Customer rapport in retail

Have you ever walked into a store and been greeted with a generic “hello” or “Can I help you find something?” It’s a classic approach, but often it leads to a quick, dismissive “no,” starting a customer’s visit on a negative note. For small businesses, especially in retail, restaurants, and service industries, that first impression is crucial—and a missed opportunity if not done right.

Why Generic Store Greetings Fail

The problem with typical store greetings is that they feel scripted and impersonal. They don’t create a meaningful connection between the customer and your brand. A flat “hello” or a standard “how can I help?” doesn’t inspire engagement or conversation, which is essential for turning walk-ins into loyal customers. But there’s a way to transform this small interaction into a powerful tool for building rapport and boosting sales.

Learning from Beauty Stores: The Power of a Compliment

If you’ve ever walked by skincare or beauty stores, you’ve probably noticed a different approach. These stores train their staff to offer genuine compliments to passersby, often something specific like “I love your shoes” or “That jacket is amazing.” While it can feel insincere if overdone, when executed authentically, it works wonders for engaging customers. Compliments make people feel seen, appreciated, and more inclined to step inside.

Here’s how you can adapt this strategy in a way that feels natural and genuine:

  • Train your staff to observe and comment on something specific about the customer—whether it’s a piece of clothing, a hairstyle, or an accessory.

  • Encourage authenticity. Compliments should be real and not forced. Something as simple as “That scarf looks so cozy!” can create a warm, positive interaction.

    Customizing Greetings to Match Your Business Type

Another powerful way to enhance customer engagement is by tailoring your store greetings to the nature of your business. A well-phrased question or greeting can encourage conversation and make the customer feel more comfortable. Here are a few examples:

  • Hardware or Craft Store: “What project are you working on today?”
    This sparks a response and invites a deeper conversation about the customer’s needs.

  • Liquor Store: “Are you looking to try something new today, or would you like to be guided to your favorites?”
    This makes the customer feel like they’re in control while giving you an opening to introduce new products or upsell.

  • Clothing Store: “I love the color of your shirt—are you looking for something to pair with it?”
    This blends a compliment with a useful suggestion that could lead to a purchase.

    Why It Works

Customers are more likely to engage when they feel like they’re having a personalized experience. Custom greetings based on the store type or personalized compliments can:

  • Build rapport with customers quickly.

  • Create a memorable first impression.

  • Encourage longer visits and higher conversion rates.

  • Foster a sense of brand loyalty because the customer feels valued.

    The Key Takeaway

Moving beyond the generic greeting can turn your staff into powerful brand ambassadors who create meaningful interactions with every customer. By combining genuine compliments and customized greetings, you can set the tone for a positive shopping experience that leads to stronger relationships and more sales.

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

Unlock the Secret to Retaining and Motivating Your Retail and Restaurant Staff Part 1

Are you struggling to retain part-time workers, especially in industries like retail and restaurants? If so, it's time to rethink your approach to employee motivation. Many businesses trade hours for dollars without offering opportunities for advancement, which leaves employees feeling uninspired. This is especially true for younger, part-time staff.

But here's the thing: every employee should feel like there's more to their job than just the paycheck. They need to know they’re learning, growing, and getting recognized. If you want to build a team that will help grow your business, you need to provide clear paths for advancement—even in small steps.

Step 1: Implement a Milestone Ladder

No matter the size of your business or the level of the employee, a milestone ladder can create a system of achievement. This ladder might look something like this:

  • Apprentice

  • Junior Associate

  • Associate

  • Team Leader

  • Manager

You can easily customize this to fit your specific business. The key is to create visible, reachable milestones that employees can aim for.

Step 2: Set Clear Criteria for Advancement

Once you have your ladder in place, set specific criteria for employees to climb it. These can include:

  • Completing a minimum number of work hours

  • Earning a positive customer review

  • Consistent punctuality and attendance

  • Meeting performance goals

  • Learning new skills through training videos

Each milestone should come with recognition, whether it's a star on a poster, a title on a name badge, or even a small reward. This recognition boosts employee morale and makes them feel more connected to their job.

Step 3: Bring Back Business Cards

An old but effective trick is providing employees with business cards. This simple gesture can give employees a sense of pride and ownership. Imagine a server or sales associate handing out a business card and saying, “I hope you’ll ask for me next time!” It’s a small touch that builds credibility and enhances customer relationships.

Build a Team That Builds Your Business

When employees feel recognized and know they have room to grow, they’ll stay longer, work harder, and contribute more. By offering small but meaningful milestones, you create a positive company culture and strengthen your business from within.

Don't miss the chance to retain and motivate your employees with a milestone system that fosters growth and recognition.

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

Solve the problem of bad reviews…forever!

Create professional quality graphics and videos easily — and free!

In the world of business, one of the most crucial pillars for success is being exceptional at something specific. Whether it's a signature dish at a restaurant or a standout product in retail, you want to be known as the go-to place for that particular offering. This story highlights exactly why that matters—and how one restaurant solved the problem of negative reviews for good.

When I work with restaurants, one of the first things I do is read their reviews. These can be gold mines for understanding where a business might be going wrong. Over the years, I’ve read thousands of reviews—some insightful, many quite harsh.

One day, I decided to dive into the reviews of a Michelin-starred restaurant. You know the type: $600 per person, with reservations booked months in advance. I was curious to see what people were saying about a place held in such high regard.

As expected, there were plenty of detailed reviews about the food, service, and overall experience—mostly very positive. But what shocked me was that 99.9% of these reviews focused on one thing: at the end of every meal, the restaurant gave diners a complimentary box of homemade granola to take home.

This simple, thoughtful gesture left such a lasting impression that nearly every review mentioned it—often with glowing praise. Even if a guest wasn’t completely thrilled with the food or service, this free gift of granola created a positive association. It was a delightful surprise after an expensive meal and left people feeling appreciated.

By nailing this one thing, the restaurant virtually guaranteed a positive note in every review. It became part of their identity, something they did exceptionally well.

So, as you think about your own business today, ask yourself: What’s the one thing I do really, really well? Focus on that, and make sure it shines in everything you do. This can be the key to surprising and delighting your customers—and ensuring they always have something good to say about you.

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

A Free Way to Increase Traffic to Your Store or Restaurant

Download Glympse and activate customer location for curbside delivery immediately. It's free!

Are you looking for an innovative way to surprise and delight your customers? Let me introduce you to a fresh idea inspired by "buskering." If you're not familiar, busking is when musicians, singers, and sometimes artists perform for free in public spaces like subways, parks, and street corners, often relying on tips from passersby. What makes busking so special is the element of surprise—people don't expect to stumble upon live music in an unexpected place, which creates a personal and joyful experience.

Now, imagine bringing that same energy and excitement to your physical business location! Why not invite local artists to perform at your store, restaurant, or café? It’s a win-win for everyone involved: the artists get exposure, and your business gets to offer something unique that strengthens connections within your community. Best of all, it doesn’t cost you anything.

By hosting local talent, you'll attract attention, engage your audience, and differentiate your business from competitors. Not only will you create an unforgettable experience for your customers, but you'll also be supporting local artists who could really use the platform.

If you’re looking for an easy, impactful way to stand out and create meaningful connections, give this strategy a try.

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

How to cook up some attention for your restaurant!

It drives me crazy when restaurants don’t use cooking videos on their social media—it’s such a missed opportunity.

Restaurant owners, you have a unique advantage, but many of you aren’t taking full advantage of it. Posting videos of your chef preparing dishes is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to grab attention online. Sure, you’re likely posting beautiful shots of your food, but there’s something captivating about the process of making it.

There’s a psychological appeal here—watching someone cook allows viewers to imagine how the food tastes. It creates an emotional connection that makes them want to experience it for themselves. Just look at the numbers: 70 million people watch the Food Network because they love seeing how food is made. Whether you run a fine dining restaurant and want to showcase your chef’s mastery, a pizza place with a great dough-twirling technique, or a bagel shop with the satisfying crunch of slicing into a freshly baked bagel, you can make people crave your food simply by sharing the process.

Start making cooking videos! Share them on your social media, post them on your website, and even offer recipes in exchange for email addresses to build your marketing list. Invite people to watch, imagine, and then come in to taste for themselves.

You’ve already got the food—now use it to sell your restaurant!

And hey, if something about running your business is frustrating you, drop it in the comments. We’ll help you find the answers you need!

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

Unlock the Secret to Retaining and Motivating Retail and Restaurant Staff Part 2

In part two of this series, we’re diving into a critical aspect of leadership—employee training. What does your training program say about you as a business owner? If you’re not providing proper, ongoing training for your staff, it sends the message that you don’t value the job they’re doing. It implies that the role is so low-level it doesn’t require skill or improvement. Yes, that’s some tough love, but it’s the truth.

To attract better employees and become a better leader, you must train your team to perform the way you expect. In part one, we covered the milestone ladder—how to offer opportunities for advancement and recognition. Now, let’s focus on the training itself.

Many of you might be thinking, "I don’t have time for that," or "We already do onboarding." Here’s the issue: onboarding is just general information to help new hires get acquainted with your business—it’s not job-specific training. No amount of motivation or pep talks will replace proper training. Well-trained employees perform better, enjoy greater job satisfaction, and, in turn, become better, more engaged team members. Isn’t that what every business owner wants?

If your training program lacks substance or isn’t applied consistently, you’re doing a disservice to both your staff and your business. Yes, training requires some time, but not as much as you might think. I’ve put together a four-week training program outline that you can plan for the entire year in just 30 minutes and roll out each week.

Want to learn more? Visit my link in bio and click on the "How to Build the Team That Builds Your Business" tab to access my blog. There, you’ll get step-by-step instructions on how to create a training program that benefits both your employees and your business.

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

From Coffee to Cocktails: A Simple Strategy to Expand Your Network and Spark Creativity

Take your brochures, menus and display to a whole new level with video. Find out how
from Ryan Kugler, President of Ideal Content

Are you feeling stuck in the day-to-day grind of running your business? Whether you’re managing a restaurant, retail store, or working from home, it’s easy to get caught up and forget to step outside for fresh perspectives. Here’s a fun and effective way to grow your business, build your network, and keep your sanity.

Stop Burying Your Head in the Business

One common mistake entrepreneurs make is getting too absorbed in their business. You might tell yourself you're working hard, but isolating yourself can stifle your creativity and limit your insights. It’s crucial to get out of your store, restaurant, or office to meet new people and see things from a different angle.

Instead of relying on feedback from the same group of customers or employees, step out and connect with new perspectives. You’ll be surprised how refreshing this can be.

The Strategy: Coffee or Cocktails?

Here’s a simple idea: grab your favorite beverage, whether it’s coffee or a cocktail, and invite someone new for a 30-45 minute chat. Think of customers, fellow business owners, community leaders, or even your property manager or leasing agent. These individuals can offer unique insights into your market and community.

No Agenda, Just Conversation

The goal isn’t to land a sale or pitch your business—it’s about gaining perspective. During your conversation, ask open-ended questions like:

  • How have your shopping habits changed with inflation?

  • What’s a product or service that would make your life easier?

  • Where’s your favorite place to shop or eat, and why?

  • What changes in our business community have you noticed and don’t like?

  • What do you do for fun in the local community?

Follow Up and Build Relationships

After your meeting, send a thank-you note. Add their contact information to your database. You never know if this person will become a customer, referral source, or even an ambassador for your business. Plus, you’ll leave the meeting with new ideas and a fresh outlook—something you can’t get from staying inside the four walls of your business.

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Marketing Angel Cicerone Marketing Angel Cicerone

Two Ways to Transform Your Loyalty Program into an Effective Marketing Tool this Holiday Season

Here are two ideas for turning your loyalty program into a powerful sales driver this holiday season!

Create some bonafide good will and excitement for your business by inviting your loyalty program members to donate their points to charity. This not only gets those points off your books but also builds incredible goodwill with your community. Here's how to set it up:

1️⃣ Determine Point Value: First, decide how much your loyalty points are worth. Pro tip: It doesn’t have to be dollar-for-point! Think bigger—like “100 points = a Thanksgiving dinner for a family of 4” or “a bag of pet food for the local shelter.” 🦃🐾

2️⃣ Partner with a Local Charity: Team up with a local nonprofit to make it tangible and heartfelt. ❤️

3️⃣ Set the Promo Duration: Run it for a day, week, or the whole holiday season! 🎄

4️⃣ Train Your Team: Make sure your POS system and staff are ready to promote and process donations with ease. 🛍️

5️⃣ Promote, Promote, Promote! Use your website, social media, email blasts, and in-store signage to spread the word. 📲 Don’t forget to ask your charity partner to help promote too!

 The second idea is to invite members to use their points to enter a contest. For example, they receive one entry for every 100 points redeemed.

Now, the key here is the prize has to be significant and buzz worthy!

It can be merchandise from your store, or you can work with your retail/restaurant neighbors to create a package of prizes that will appeal to your target market. For example, if you own a women’s boutique, create a makeover package that include clothes, hair, nails, spa, etc. worth $1000. Think about your customer avatar and what’s important to them. A vacation? A room makeover? A luxury car rental for a week? Don’t be ordinary!

Get creative this holiday season with your loyalty program and give back while boosting customer loyalty!

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

Driving sales even when there are no customers in your store!

Endear is a tool that allows your sales staff to proactively drive sales simply by using their cellphones to communicate with their clients in a personalized way. Results for those using the app are an astounding 77 percent faster repurchase rate and a 30 percent higher lifetime customer value.

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Did you know stores are idle for 40% of their opening hours?

As frustrating as an empty store can be, that doesn’t mean your sales staff can’t be actively creating strong relationships with their customers that result in more sales. An 18% increase in fact, by using Endear, according the Leigh Sevin, co-founder.

Endear is a tool that allows your sales staff to proactively drive sales simply by using their cellphones to communicate with their clients in a personalized way. Results for those using the app are an astounding 77 percent faster repurchase rate and a 30 percent higher lifetime customer value.

Listen as Sevin explains how to drive sales, even if there are no customers in your store!

Download a podcast transcript

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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!

Now if you like what you hear, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!

Leigh Sevin, Co-founder

Leigh Sevin, Co-founder

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