Forge Podcast

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Finding - and keeping - good employees is one of the most taxing duties for small retail and restaurant owners. There isn't a retail store or restaurant owner I've met in the past couple of years who hasn't expressed concern about the difficulty they have hiring and retaining qualified employees. It’s a big challenge and one most small owners haven't been able to work around.

That’s why I'm so excited to bring to the show Stacey Ferreira, the founder and CEO of Forge, which, in one simple app, allows flexible scheduling, tracks employee attendance and accountable AND creates the opportunity to share qualified employees with your neighbors. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Click “Download” to listen

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Stacey Ferreira, Founder and CEO

“A genius, unconventional way to staff.”
Inc. Magazine

For a full transcript of the podcast and discount code click here.

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Pointy Podcast
