Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

How to get "unstuck"

The daily routine of running a small retail store or restaurant can lead owners into to a serious rut where the flow of ideas just stop! That can be pretty scary place because new ideas are the heartbeat of small business. It's always a good idea to learn how to recognize when you're stuck and have a plan to get the juices flowing again.

The daily routine of running a small retail store or restaurant can lead owners into to a serious rut where the flow of ideas just stop! That can be pretty scary place because new ideas are the heartbeat of small business. It's always a good idea to learn how to recognize when you're stuck and have a plan to get the juices flowing again.

Here's one of my favorite tips from my Ebook, "15 Ways to Get Unstuck." 
Get your free copy.

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

Angel's 90 Day Challenge - and it's not what you think!

It may be my 90-day challenge but local retail and restaurant owners get the benefits!

It's May 1 and the start of my personal 90-day challenge to bring local retail and restaurant owners an insane amount of free content to help you launch, grow or save your local retail or restaurant business! Follow me for all the great info:

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

4 Questions for Business Clarity

There are four important questions that every small retail or restaurant owner should have the answers to. They are about understanding the essence of your business and your relationship with it. While I won’t call them magic questions, their answers will certainly bring clarity to your business and life and that’s an amazing gift!

Stickey pad moment.png
What's a sticky pad moment? It's when you have ideas, thoughts, questions or answers important enough to  jot down and keep in front of you at all times.

As business owners, we can get sooooooooo caught up in the day- to- day we forget the original vision and goals we had for our businesses and ourselves.   Dealing with employees, inventory, customer service, scheduling, finances, marketing …it’s a lot. And these daily details are not just an inspiration suck, they can easily lead us into a maze of confusion!

That’s why it’s always a good idea, no matter where you are in your business life cycle, to take a minute and revisit these four important questions; questions which, by the way, have nothing to do with money. They are about understanding the essence of your business and your relationship with it.

While I won’t call them magic questions, their answers will certainly bring clarity to your business and life and that’s an amazing gift!

Question 1
What makes your business unique, different or special?

Do you have an unusual or proprietary product? Perhaps you’ve put your own twist on something like the mini-cupcakes that make people line up at Melissa’s bakery.

Maybe it’s your store design.  Or pricing. Or the way you wrap things in eco-friendly knapsacks. Maybe your business is family-owned.

Or your signature product is apple cake baked using a 5 generation-old family recipe.Or your staff is so knowledgeable people wouldn’t consider going anywhere else.

You get where I’m going.

But if you can’t come up with a differentiator, a meaningful one, I’m going to suggest you stop right here. Take a breath and put some serious thought into answering this question. If, after careful thought, you find your business is too general and unfocused, you’d be best served by doing some serious brainstorming to fine tune your concept.

Question 2
Who is your target audience? Be VERY specific`

Who you sell to (and their reasons for buying) are the pulse of any retail or restaurant business. “Everyone” isn’t a demographic and casting a broad net is dangerous in this day of market segmentation and personalized communication.

A boutique for women 25-49 probably won’t be met with much enthusiasm. A boutique for women 25 -49 that specializes in conservative clothes for work and offers a personal stylist will probably do a whole lot better.

Get in touch with that target niche. Find your tribe. Then do everything you can to get to know them and show them your love.

Question 3
What is the life you’d like to lead as a business owner?

Success in business isn’t just about making money (although profitability sure does make life a whole lot better!)  What do you want your life to look like? Do you want to work less? Or expand to 1, 5 or 100 locations? Is your end goal to sell? Or leave it to your kids?

Each one of these options requires a slightly different route and it would be a shame to work so hard and end up having detoured from your original goal. Defining your life goals help to define your business path.

Question 4
What do you need to know more about to make that happen?

I’m not exactly sure why but so many independent retail and restaurant owners fail to hop on the lifelong learning express. It might be fear, lack of time or even shame that they don’t know it all. Frankly, I don’t really care about the reason. I just care about the results.

In another day and time, learning the things you needed to know to succeed in business was important. Today, thanks to the lightning fast pace of change in our world, it’s critical. So what do you need? A crash course in accounting? Inspiration for marketing.

A solid social media primer? A better understanding of omnichannel sales? Training in sales, customer service, negotiating a lease?

Whatever it is, go out and get it. Thanks to our friend, the internet, there is so much available at little or no cost, available 24/7 so you can squeeze it in whenever you have the time.  

Do me a favor. Shoot me an email with the answer to this one. – I am always looking for great free resources on the topics of interest to you and this will help me identify the types of training you’re looking for.

Final step

Now, take your answers to these 4 questions and jot them on a sticky pad. Place that note somewhere where you can see if every day.  And as you make decisions about your business, you can make them within the framework of your answers to these questions. If it doesn’t help your business become more special, appeal to your target customer, get you closer to leading the life you want or give you a better understanding of how to achieve success– there’s no need to move forward or waste time. Clarity is one of the keys to achieving goals and these four simple questions will help you stay on track!

Until next time, remember
You can do this!

Would you like a free 4 Questions Worksheet to answer these questions? Just click here.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for even more great information and insight!


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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

The ONE thing you need to do to get great Yelp reviews!

Boy did I have an epiphany!

Let me explain.

I work exclusively with locally-owned retail and restaurants. So as you can imagine I have read literally thousands of Yelp reviews over the years! I analyze them for clues to what my clients do well and what they could be doing better. From there, we try to improve what needs improving in the hopes of getting less negative reviews and more positive ones.

Makes sense. Right?

Well it did to me too. Until yesterday when, after a rather lengthy review analysis for a client – and trying to figure out next steps -- I started looking at this whole review situation a bit differently.

Let’s say you have a restaurant with 40 items on the menu. There’s a good chance somebody’s not going to like one of them (either due to personal taste or it perhaps it wasn’t prepared properly) and they write about it. Or a particular server is having an off day. Or the restaurant’s too cold. There are so many moving parts and personal preferences that even the best-run establishment is bound to elicit a negative word or two from a reviewer.

The same holds true for retail and service businesses. With a thousand pieces of merchandise on the floor or a lengthy menu of spa services from which to choose, there’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like something…even if it’s the distance from their parking space to the front door! And out comes the laptop and your ranking takes a it.

Even for the most meticulously run business, the odds are sort of stacked against you.

Unless you change the way you approach your business using my new super, secret plan to get rave reviews.  

And that secret is….Give them ONE thing to talk about.

Do one thing better, different, more exciting than anyone else! Just one thing that excites and inspires your customers to rave … and write.

Make sure there’s one thing that looks or tastes spectacular or is presented in a unique and memorable way. The best or biggest burger. The most amazing packaging. Silk robes for spa guests. Just one thing!

I did a little research and I’ll use Eleven Madison Park in New York City as a glowing example of this technique.

Eleven Madison Park has 3 Michelin stars and was voted the number one restaurant in the world in 2017. At about $300 per person, you can imagine its customers are pretty discriminating with the highest expectations fortheir dining experience.  Yet despite all their accolades, even Eleven Madison Park falls short of a 5- star Yelp rating.  (They claim 4.6 stars out of five.)

BUT (and here’s where is gets interesting) despite differing personal opinions on specific dishes, service and atmosphere, one thing is universally mentioned in almost every review: the to-go gift. When you leave Eleven Madison Park you are given a gift of menu and a jar of homemade granola as you leave.

This little surprise causes reviewers to leave comments similar to this one,
“To wrap up the evening we were brought a small bag to take home which had our menu folded in a tiny box along with some granola. A very beautiful gesture and elegantly presented."

It totally changes the tone of the review. And regardless of the overall impression of this business, which quite frankly has many glowing reviews, this one small gesture giveEVERYONE something to write positively about.

Just one thing!

No matter what type of business you own, you can employ this same technique. You can find a way to surprise and delight your guests and actually make them gasp. Take a little time to think about your customers and what you can do that lets them know they’ve just patronized someplace very special. Whether it’s a parting gift, amazing packaging, an extraordinary presentation or a singing server, find that connection that makes your customers so entranced, any other potential issues are forgotten.

The positive reviews will follow and increase your ratings, but even more importantly, they’ll let readers know your establishment has set a higher bar.

Until next time remember…
You can do this!

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marketing Angel Cicerone marketing Angel Cicerone

How to Increase Gift Card Sales During the Holiday Season

Four proven tips to accelerate your gift card sales this holiday season


Gift cards have been the most popular gift for the past 5 years. That’s a pretty great reason to put a plan in place to accelerate your gift card sales this holiday season, no matter what type of business you own!

7 Compelling Facts About Gift Card Sales:

Need more reasons why gift cards are a great way to boost holiday sales? Here are seven compelling facts that will help convince you.

  • Gift cards sales were projected to increase by 6% in 2016 and will account for over 18% of holiday sales!
  • Two-thirds of consumers have purchased at least one gift card.
  • Retailers who switch from paper to plastic cards typically see a 50-100% increase in sales.
  • The average amount loaded on a digital gift card is 10-15% more than a plastic gift card.
  • 61% of gift card holders spend more than the amount of their gift card and 75% of those who overspend spend 60% more than the value of their card.
  • Gift cards are most popular with teenagers.
  • 40% of gift card recipients do not use the total value of the card.

As you can see, gift cards can significantly increase your bottom line in December and beyond so their promotion and sale are well worth your attention.

4 Tips for Boosting Gift Card Sales

Here are a few tips for selling more cards:

Start with plenty of in-store promotion.

  • Signage - interior, window and sandwich boards
  • Flyers with purchase
  • Train employees to ask for the sale. For example, "Would you like to purchase a gift card for a friend or family member?"

Create incentives for gift card purchase.

For example, customers can get a $20 gift certificate for themselves with the purchase of a $100 card. 

Hint: If your average sale is about $150, then the incentive should be given on gift card sale of $200 – increasing your average sale!

Capture the late shoppers.

More than one in every four digital or online cards sold in December are sold between December 21st and 24th. Email daily during week before Christmas.

Make it easy to purchase.

Even if you don't sell online, create a link to pay for gift cards through a Paypal account to use in your email and on your website and social media. 

Set a goal for gift card sales this holiday season and create a strategy to achieve it. 
Gift cards can not only help you make this a more profitable holiday, they can give you momentum going into the new year!


My book, Growing Small, provides even more ideas and tips for achieving retail success in 90 days with limited time and resources. Download two free chapters to get a sneak peek inside!

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

One easy way to get your staff in the spirit to sell more this holiday season


Looking for ways to get your staff pumped this holiday season?  I know one surefire way to light a fire under them….and that’s to pay them!

       Even if money is tight, there are ways to incentivize staff for selling more without                     being a drain on cashflow or margins.

       Even if you don’t ordinarily have a bonus program, there’s no reason not to implement
one just for the holiday season.

Most retailers earn 20-30 percent of their annual revenue during the holidays.  This is the time of year you want to maximize every single sales opportunity! And incentives are a great way to motivate staff.

Here are some DO’S and DONT’S for setting up a successful bonus program.

Understand what motivates your staff. What makes them drool? Depending on their age and tenure, it might be time off or perks like merchandise or gift certificates. It doesn’t always have to be money.  

Just offer a blanket reward on all items sold. A bonus program needs to work on both sides. That means your employees get incentivized for meeting their goals – and yours!

Let’s say for example, last year's holiday sales were $100,000 and your goal is to increase that number by 20 percent this year to $120k. Your staff incentives should be based on achieving or exceeding this year’s goal. That way any additional commission or bonus you’re awarding is coming out of new revenue.

Consider segmenting
Let’s say you’d like to grow sales for a new line or service. Perhaps you’d like to increase average sale. You can create a bonus program around any specific segment of business you’d like!

Tier the bonus structure. Add even more delicious opportunity for your staff after they’ve hit the goal. Using the example above with a goal of $120k, add an additional incentive if you reach $130k. In sales, we call that a BHAG (Big hairy Audacious Goal.) You’d be amazed at the enthusiasm you can generate around a big, fat opportunity.

Train. Train. Train.
Just implementing a program isn’t enough. You need to host regular training to help your staff achieve their goals.

Be afraid to instill a little competition among your staff. Most owners I work with are afraid that competition is divisive but it can create a ton of energy and ultimately, great results!

Make sure your goals are reasonable and achievable. Goals should be a stretch but not so stratospheric that they can’t possibly be met. Shooting too high will only discourage your staff. 

Good luck in putting together your bonus program! If you have any questions, email me at

Until next time remember,
You can do this!

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

What is a signature promotion and do I need one this holiday season?


There’s a German restaurant in NYC named Rolf’s that’s been a neighborhood staple for over 40 years. During most months, the establishment attracts a small, local crowd. But in the fall and winter, people line up around the block for hours just for the opportunity to warm up over a drink while taking in one of the most elaborate Christmas displays imaginable.



You see, every year Rolf’s transforms from a rather unassuming restaurant into a winter wonderland. Virtually every inch of every surface in the restaurant is decorated. What used to be a holiday business booster has expanded to an annual event that draws interested locals and tourists for nearly half the year.  Rolf’s has grown its signature promotion to such an elevated level that it has become a “must see” in NYC.

As you plan for this holiday, why not think about creating your own signature promotion?. This is about much more than stringing some lights or offering free gift wrap. This is the type of promotion you can build on year after year and resonates with your community.

Your promotion should:

         Become synonymous with your brand
         Build in importance and/or scale over time
         Be unique or at least better executed than others like it
         Be buzz worthy
         Draw new customers and beresponsible for an increase in business.

You’ll need to consider the size of your store, target audience, nuances of your community, your personal talents and passions as you develop this idea.

Here a few ideas to start getting you inspired.

Add a service
Create a “send us your list” service through which you pull appropriate gift items and have them ready for review during a scheduled private shopping appointment.This is personal shopping at the highest level!

Create a video station where customers can create video cards to send to friends and family. Go all out with props and décor.

Align with a charity
Make it meaningful. If you’re going to raise money for a local animal rescue, be sure showcase adoptable dogs regularly and even dress them for the holidays.  

Whether you’re raising money/awareness for vets, children, animals or hospitals, be sure to include those who are affected to bring humanity to the effort. Everyone collects donations for charity during the holidays. Your job is to make an impact.

Exclusive offerings
Create a mini-gallery, showcasing local artists/artisans throughout the season.  
Make sure the objects are exclusive to your store. Have visitors vote on their favorites and award prizes to the winners.

Remember, your signature promotion doesn’t have to be about the holidays but something you do to mark the season. Notoriety doesn’t happen overnight. But if you start thinking about this as a long term project and invest the time and effort, perhaps one day you’ll have a line out the door as well!

Until next time remember, 
You can do this!

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

How many emails should I send?

What's the right amount of emails? Am I sending them too often? Am I bugging people?
Maybe I'm not sending enough!

I get this question almost every single day from my clients. 

Thought you might like a third party opinion. This is a terrific blog from the experts at Constant Contact that gives you a great perspective on email frequency. 

Read it now. 

Until next time remember,
You can do this!


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